Towards a Better Governance



State Reform in Indonesia - Eko Prasojo, Teguh Kurniawan, Defny Holidin (2007) Eko Prasojo, Teguh Kurniawan, Defny Holidin

Administrative Sciences Dept FISIP Univ. of Indonesia

Jakarta, 2007 [First published, December 2007, vii + 146 pages, 15 x 23 cm]

ISBN 978-979-1728-60-7

The period of May 1998 to August 2002 could be said as the critical period in development in Indonesia as a nation and a country. In the periods several incidents happened that in many matters changed significantly the form and the process of the implementation of the government in Indonesia. Begun with the fall of leadership of President Soeharto that was replaced by Vice President Habibie has produced several policies that were critical for the government’s available feature today. In his short leadership period President Habibie passed several regulations related to politics, general election, regional government, as well as the press that were supportive for the existence of democratic life in Indonesia today.

The General Election in 1999 also held period that produced policital life that was so dynamic, especially with the existence of several amendments against Constitution 1945 as efforts to create the more democratic life that appreciate human rights and put the principle forward check and balance. What happened in these periods and its influence will try to be reviewed in this book.

This book is the other version from results of the study literature that was carried out by us (Department of Administrative Sciences FISIP the University of Indonesia) as part of research concerning system of the govenment in several countries in Asia that was done by Korea-Australasia Research Center (KAREC) the University of New South Wales, Australia. Therefore, the contents in this book will be more stressed to the analysis of available system of government in Indonesia today as well as the situation formed its background.

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